Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back on Track

I've realized I'm pretty terrible of keeping track of this thing...or actually, maybe even just writing about myself. I'm going to keep going though...

This week I had midterms, and of course, they were all on Wednesday, and for some reason (don't tell my parents) I wasn't too worried about them, so I kind of just let them pass as something I had to get done, but nothing I needed to freak out about. Maybe Italians are rubbing off on me. My biggest worry was Art History, but it went quite smoothly, because, well, I studied.

I was sitting in the library looking over notes when my friend came up to me and asked why I was doing that. I explained that if I didn't at least read over the notes five times and then silently recite it to myself, it would never stick. I believe her response was this:
"I thought that stuff would just be naturally ingrained in you." Interestingly enough, this is not the first time this has been said to me. And interestingly enough, it could not be further from the truth.
"Because my Mom is an art historian?"
"Well, yeah." Now, I'm not mad at my friend for suggesting this, and gosh! I'm totally flattered.  And of course, the test went well. Never for a moment, though, did I realize that the ability of soaking up a piece of artwork could be flowing through my veins--here or there. But still, I thank my mother for it all, it's true.

Tomorrow I go on my second trip for Art History to Florence, where we get to sit in front of the painting itself and take down everything single thing our teacher can through at us. I can't wait, honestly. Last Friday we saw Michelangelo's David. This week, we're going to see Botticelli's Venus di Milo. I don't know how I got to live such a life, but it's happened and don't you worry, I am soaking in every moment.

This weekend, though, begins my well deserved fall break, and I plan to write more after that! My friends and I are heading towards Milan, where I'll get to see more Michelangelo and a Dali exhibit! Sadly, though, there is a four month wait for Da Vinci's Last Supper. Next time, I think. And from Milan, we're on for a relaxing week in an English speaking country: London. Which, thanks to my wonderful Aunt, will be a homey stay, and a very comfortable one at that.

Until I write again! Hope you all are well!

1 comment:

  1. Keep updating boo. The blog is fantastique!! Can't wait til I get to see youuuu!!!!
